Ryan Lynch
As pastor Ryan wears many hats, but his main jobs are preaching the messages on Sunday mornings and being the spiritual leader for all ministries that AUMC provides.

Youth Leadership Team
Interim Director(s) of Youth Ministries
Our youth leadership leads the youth program during our search for a new youth director!

Erin Murray
Director of Children's Ministries
Erin is in charge of planning weekly Sunday School lessons and Kids Connect activities. She is the primary spiritual leader for the children of AUMC.

Aaron Weatherbie
Director of Music Ministries
Aaron is the director of Andover UMC's musical groups which include the Chancel Choir, Praise Band, and AUMC Ringers. He helps lead and plan our worship services. Aaron is also the Choir Director at Andover High School.

Mary Robey
Mary makes sure that everybody has all they need about what's going on at AUMC. She keeps everything in order for everybody else.

Terri L. Peretto
Financial Secretary
The financial secretary keeps track of all of the money that goes in and out of AUMC. They make sure that we are all on track!

Mary Vaughters
Nursery Coordinator
Mary organizes the volunteers that are working in the nursery each week. She takes great care of the little ones during Wednesday activities, services, and Sunday School!

Laurel Delimont
Laurel accompanies the choir with her wonderful talent. She also provides beautiful music before and after our 9am service.

Irene Martin
Irene accompanies the choir with her wonderful talent. She also provides beautiful music before and after our 9am service.

Angie Funk
Angie makes sure that the church is clean and kept up with. She's really proud of her vacuum lines and is a great addition to the staff!