What IS the Scoop?
Summers are full of activities. Summer is the time for vacations, sport games, reunions, camp as well as time for peaceful walks, a good...
What IS the Scoop?
Lent Spiritual Practices: Holy Remembering
Lent Spiritual Practices: Meditation
Lenten Spiritual Practice: Giving Alms
Lent Spiritual Practices: The Daily Examen
Spiritual Disciplines for Lent: Joy of Fasting
Benefits of Scouting - Many and Time Tested
Scouting - Guiding, Learning, Enjoying
2019 Missions Fair at Andover UMC
Leap of Faith
Hope in the Darkness
The Importance of Advent and Christmas Music
Talking Theology with Kids at Breakfast
Accomplishing Something Worthwhile
AUMC is My Village
Saturate with God's Love and Care
Care for One Another
Use Your Gifts for Joy
Helping Those in Need